Sunday, January 11, 2015

Grandma's Pancakes

(Also known as "Egg Pancakes"& "German Pancakes" )

A favorite memory from my childhood was waking up at Grandma's house. Living only a mile away from Grandma and Grandpa's house meant that I stayed over often on weekends. Saturday mornings at Grandma's meant only one thing... Pancakes! And not just any pancakes, Grandma's pancakes. I'm not sure where the recipe originated from and I don't think my Grandma is quite sure either. They are thinner than most traditional kinds and thicker than crepes. They are unique, extremely simple, easily customized and very yummy. So here, I finally write down the recipe that I (and my cousins) learned by heart by the time we were five. 


One reason that this was such an easy recipe as a kid, was because of the "rule of two". Two items from the baking pantry, two items from the fridge, two items from the cupboard. 
  • 1 Cup Flour 
  • 1/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 2 eggs
  • Around 1 1/5 tsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract


This Recipe is pretty much "throw in Bowl and mix" but this is how I usually do it.

  1. In a medium mixing bowl add flour and sugar

2. Next add eggs and 3/4 of the milk (Save the remaining milk to add at the end to achieve desired thickness. Depending on the size of the eggs and any "add-ins" you may need to add the rest of the milk, and maybe not)

3. Next add your vegetable oil and vanilla extract. Growing up we measured by the "cap-full". 1 cap full of oil, one cap full of vanilla (my vanilla is slightly on the big size so I don't use quite a full cap)

4. Whisk mixture and add more milk if needed/desired.

5. Heat non-stick pan over medium-high heat with small spray of oil

6. Pour batter into the heated pan, I usually make these pancakes a bit on the smaller side.

7. Flip pancakes when small bubbles appear all throughout the batter (as shown).

8, Remove when golden brown and pour your next pancake and enjoy. This recipe makes 9-12 pancakes depending on the size. 


Another great thing about these pancakes is that they are great vessels for many kinds of toppings. My personal favorite (and my Grandma's) is a stack of pancakes with 1 slice of American cheese and syrup poured over the top. It may sound strange, I took some convincing too, but it is so delicious. My mom likes to roll hers up with jelly and munch on them that way (especially cold). Peanut butter is another popular choice ( my husband's favorite). Just classic syrup, applesauce, bananas, and apple butter are wonderful too. Go Crazy and be creative!

Healthier Options

I commonly make changes to up the health factor of these sweet pancakes. Whole wheat flour works wonderfully for this recipe. Removing half the sugar and replacing it with agave nectar or other low calorie sweeteners works very well too.  Be creative and see what you like! The standard recipe is right around 300 calories per serving (split between 3 people). 


I love to add things to this basic recipe to spice things up. Replace 1/3 of the milk with eggnog for a christmas treat. Pumpkin and cinnamon are great add-ins for fall (no adjustments needed to the recipe otherwise). Mini Chocolate chips and small blueberries are wonderful (Because of the thin batter, large things don't integrate well). Sprinkles and food coloring make a fun birthday treat. One day my baby cousin and I made Purple Polka-dotted pancakes to share with our stuffed Pig and Penguin (it doubled as a lesson on alliterations). The flavors are endless!

Hope you Enjoyed reading about our family favorite pancakes. 
Hope to chat again soon!

Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year-New Town-New Name

I can not wrap my head around the fact that it is 2015 already. It doesn't quite feel like it could possibly be the start of a brand new year. The date transitioned from 2014 to 2015 quietly for me this time. I sat at work watching a premature baby try to figure out what she was supposed to do with the bottle of formula that I had placed in her mouth. I glanced up to check how long our attempted feeding had lasted and it was midnight on the dot. So I whispered "Happy New Year" to my tiny little friend and tried to convince her to eat a few more drops. 

While my New Years Eve wasn't a major affair, this last year certainly has been for me. Even my very name changed this year; I sit here now bearing a brand new initials (MMLD) for a brand new year.

(This is before we got completely soaked in the rain)

Marriage was a huge milestone in my life, and only one of many this year. My Mom continued to bravely kick cancer's butt and successfully went into remission during 2014. My hometown continues to rebuild after a devastating tornado that tore a hole through our landscape and all of our hearts. I moved to South Bend and went from seeing my lovely husband  once every two weeks, to sharing a little home together. I went from being an only child, to having a sister-in-law. A sweet little dog joined our family in July. 

(Aero Dynamic says hello)

 I cut off a foot of my hair and then in a moment of pure bravery (Cough...insanity...cough), I cut off the rest of it, and now sport a short little pixie hair-do. I guess I'll have to leave the hair changes alone for a while, I don't have much left to work with!

Sometimes my life felt like it was going so fast with all of these events, that I felt like I was just hanging on for the ride. It was a wonderful, amazing and at times stressful rollercoaster life. As I look back on this year, I feel completely blessed by the people God has placed in my life. My whole family descended in force for my wedding and showed me so much love and support that Evan and I still can't find the right words of thanks. Our friends, who are pretty much our family anyway, mirrored that same love and support. 

I had quite the year with both highs and lows. My goal for 2015 is to be more intentional about life and not just let it pull me along. With my husband and little Aero to help me, I think I'm on the right track already.

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (NLT)

Hope to talk again soon. God Bless and Happy New Year!
Megan D.